Rose Hockersmith, left, hugs her daugther, Leslie, as they and hundreds attended the "Celebration of Life Service" for Stephanie and Rachel Works who were shot to death during a shooting at New Life Church. Photo by Bryan Oller/The Gazette
Melissa Gonzalez, left, and Aimee Donahue collect flower petals from a flower arrangement at New Life Church following the service. Photo by Mark Reis/The Gazette
Memorials are the hardest assignments to cover as a photojournalist. They're even harder when the memorial is for someone as young as Stephanie Works, 18, and her sister Rachel, 16, whom were killed in the New Life Church shooting last week. Gazette photographers Mark Reis and Bryan Oller shot the service Wednesday. They both shot some compelling images. Unfortunately we didn't have room for any of the pictures in The Gazette.
These images are certainly worthy of publication. They even demand it. I'm disappointed they were neglected by the editors, especially given the nature of the assignment.
Laaame! That surprises me, did you all run any photos? Anyways, I've had you guys in mind during all this, best wishes to you and the springs community.
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